Friday, September 25, 2009

Plan for Colleges

Plan for Campus

I saw a lot of colleges growing up, thanks to graduations, summer programs and local cultural events. But my first official "campus visit," as in "Do you think you want to go to school here?," was right after tenth grade. Listen up, everyone - it is not an option to begin applying to colleges without ever having a meaningful visit to a campus, even the one right down the street. Here are seven simple steps to personalizing even a local campus visit so you can begin exploring the universities on your radar - and plant your sneakered feet on what might be your future alma mater.
1. List four of your personal interests: a possible major (like English or biology), an activity you enjoy (like swimming or songwriting), a community you're part of (like an ethnic or religious connection), and one form of entertainment you love (like music or poetry slams).
2. Explore the school's Web site. Search their events, announcements and blogs for things that relate to your four interests.
3. Contact the admissions and financial aids offices. All campus visits should begin with a call or email to the admissions office to find out everything they offer to visiting students and set up an admissions meeting. See if the admissions rep can set up a dorm visit and a student chat, too. Schedule a talk with a financial aid rep, also, if you can.
4. Plan at least one activity for each of your four interests.
o For your possible major, check out a class or meet with a faculty member or TA (teaching assistant). Don't be intimidated - start by asking what is the most fun and what is the hardest thing about that course of study. Be sure to talk to students before and after class, too.
o For an activity you enjoy, see if a club or sport you're interested in has a team practice, a rehearsal or a planning session you can attend. Lots of campus groups have their own pages on the college Web site with schedules and contact info.
o For a community experience, find a relevant organization (like a women's folk group, a Black Student Union or Hillel) and see what kind of service projects, festivals or other events you can attend or even volunteer at during your visit.
o For an entertainment fix, you might see who's playing at the campus coffee house, go to a game (lots of sporting events are free), or ask if you can stop by the campus radio station while you're there.
5. Prep for the day. Make a copy of the directions, schedule, itinerary and contact list for every student going with you and their parents or guardians. Charge your cell phone, and if it does not have a camera, get a cheap disposable one. Pack drinks and snacks, or bring cash for food and drinks. And if you're staying overnight, bring a small gift for your student hosts (baked goods are always awesome).
6. GO VISIT THAT CAMPUS! Enjoy your events, meet people, take pictures, absorb the experience. Do you see yourself living here for four years? An important note: have fun, but don't be foolish. Do not get into any cars with, accept food or drinks from, or go into any buildings or rooms with strangers, even if they are young and happy-looking. And check in with the family a few times throughout the day if they didn't come with you.
7. Commemorate the day. Take your pictures, metro passes, event programs, and more, and scrapbook them when you get back. Or just clip them together and put them into a folder. Be sure to write down a quick sentence or two about the visit while it's still fresh.

After a few more college visits, you'll start to realize you're not falling in love with each particular campus. You are getting psyched about college life in general.

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